Monday, October 19, 2020

What is at stake

In his Morning Report in the Ace of Spades blog, JJ Sefton writes in part,
With something that could not only potentially destroy Biden's chances at re-election, even with the big cheat already in motion, or potentially land them, other family members and associates in prison (though let's be real; the odds of that happening are astronomically slim) where is the $1 Billion libel suit against The New York Post, the reporters who broke the story, Rudy Giuliani and all the others who went public with this? If I were Joe or Hunter Biden, I'd've called a press conference within a nanosecond of the story breaking to announce the lawsuit, demand a front page retraction and apology and go on a tear against Donald Trump, KGB Master Spy and Collaborator.
But that didn't happen, did it? In fact, the only thing that did happen was that Facebook and Twitter immediately muzzled The New York Post, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh MacEnany, prominent Republican Congressional leaders and other major conservative voices and outlets to squash the story. Naturally, it was under the pretext that the evidence was fake news and Russian disinformation. But of course, Islamic terrorists beheading people, BLM/Antifa beating people up and setting cities on fire, the President's illegally acquired and confidential tax returns, the lies and distortions about what he didn't say in Charlottesville, or about the WW1 dead and every other cheap, low smear is perfectly fine and above board.
For those not aware, Facebook, Twitter, Google and many other tech giants are joined at the hip to the Chi-Coms, both economically and politically. Look up social credit scoring. They have now a vested interest in destroying President Trump, so they can complete the transformation of America into a neutered, globalist outpost with the Chinese essentially ruling the world as a hegemon. That is not tinfoil hat nuttery; that is a verifiable fact of just what is at stake here.

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