Monday, October 19, 2020

Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon bending the knee to the Communist Chinese

In FrontPage Magazine, Daniel Greenfield has written an article about tech companies such as Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter, and how important China is to their bottom lines. Here are some comments made by a reader of the article. Yehuda Levi wrote,
I review products on Amazon and they are increasingly made by Chinese companies you never heard of and poor quality. They use American designs, but inferior materials and workmanship. Most all of the products are designed in America and the Chinese copy and tweak the designs and then undercut the American companies. They also make claims of "German or Japanese steel" but the product is made poorly in China. Amazon is aiding and abetting China to replace quality American designed products with inferior Chinese companies. In a way, you could say that this is a type of economic treason.
Read the Greenfield article here.

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