Good morning, kids. Friday and another day of America held hostage by Leftist lies, Chi-Com damned lies and statistics as the lifeblood of our nation, what was the greatest economic miracle of all time, drains from its slit wrists. I was talking to a friend last night who asked if I watched the President's presser (I hadn't) and he was shocked at his seemingly fatigued demeanor and tone, which is in sharp contrast to his usual energy and ebullience. The press has been playing this up, not so subtly hinting that he seems defeated by all of this. I would not go that far, and neither did Rush Limbaugh on his show when he attributed the President's bearing as natural concern for the well being of the citizenry.Go here to read more and click on his links.
While this is certainly the case, my gut tells me that I think he realizes he may have made a blunder in relying on the "experts" and their models in going along with the shuttering of our economy. All of the assaults he has had to endure over the past four years were political in nature. But this one is different; it's a nebulous disease that he cannot dispatch with a Twitter storm of truth bombs. With the lives of nearly 320 million people in his hands, he's forced into a corner. Yet, the situation very closely parallels the one he was in during the transition period after the election up until and beyond the 2018 midterms. As an outsider, Trump relied on people inside DC to staff the administration and thought, perhaps naively, that everyone had the best interests of the nation at heart whatever their political bent may be. We, and he, know how that turned out.
And here we all are again, relying on so-called "experts" and computer models to predict how, where, for how long and how lethally a virus is going to strike, when we're not even sure just how deadly to the entire population it is in the first place. In any case, the problem with computer models is that they are only as good as the data put in to them. If that doesn't remind you of something, here's a hint: Global Warming.
Circling back to Trump, I think he now realizes he's made a mistake by allowing himself to be driven solely by numbers that are being given to him by people who, if history and the nature of DC teach us anything, do not have his best interests at heart. And that's being charitable. Is it too late for him to backtrack? Maybe. But, given the fact that putting millions of people out of work and destroying their economic security for years to come is clearly (to me anyway) much more deleterious to our collective health than this Pox Oriental, I cannot see him allowing this madness to go on much longer.
No doubt, it would be a massive political gamble for him to say "look, the situation on the ground compared to the projections just don't add up" and then call for a phased in lifting of the quarantines and closures until either we're clear of the danger or actual confirmed deaths from Asiatic Lung AIDS spike. I am still not convinced that this particular virus will cause the massive amounts of deaths predicted but for arguments sake, let's say Trump gives the all clear and they spike; I still believe tragic as the loss of life may be (and is, as I am not a heartless bastard), it still pales in comparison to the carnage and suffering that will result from the quarantine.
No doubt the Democrat-Media Complex will accuse Trump of being literally Hitler-Hitler (he's already merely Hitler in their eyes as it is) if just one person gets so much as a runny nose. Hell, Malig-Nancy Pelosi and Schiff-for-Brains are already firing up the Shampeachment Express which will sabotage and tie the hands of the sane adults in the room trying to alleviate the situation. So, what does Trump have to lose, really?
I think the choice is lift all social distancing guidelines with the exception of those already confirmed infected and sick, the elderly and anyone else whose cardio-pulmonary and immune systems are compromised and get America back to work. The problem is the governors and mayors, especially in Democrat-controlled areas and most especially New York State and City. Let's face it; New York City is still America's and the world's economic Mecca. If you think the Democrats, who by destroying the economy can both get rid of Trump and use the economic and societal collapse to capture the nation, are going to let that opportunity slip through their fingers, you've been eating the bad fish tank cleaner.
We've already seen the Democrats true colors in the wake of 9/11. We could be hit with Clinton bought-and-paid-for Chinese MIRV'd warheads and the first thing they'd do is toss the Constitution into the fire while preserving The 1619 Project and Howard Zinn's filthy tripe with which to rebuild upon the ruins. Given the success of the MAGA agenda from January 2017 until late February 2020, this pandemic - that is the panic surrounding the pandemic - is perhaps the Left's last best chance to overthrow the nation. That means it is President Trump's last best chance to thwart them, restore sanity and put us back on track.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Friday, April 03, 2020
"If you think the Democrats, who by destroying the economy can both get rid of Trump and use the economic and societal collapse to capture the nation, are going to let that opportunity slip through their fingers, you've been eating the bad fish tank cleaner."
JJ Sefton writes in part in his Morning Report,
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