Friday, April 03, 2020

"How bad does the multi-culti cult have to be when even rat bastard commies are getting tired of it?"

Oregon Muse links to an article about
former members of the Communist Party in Sweden plan to build a new Socialist worker's party that's free of multicultural dogma, climate alarmism, and LGBT issues that currently plague the modern left, unquote.

A vigorous communism that rejects identity politics would indeed be an interesting political development. Perhaps Bernie would be wise to take note of this.

The article quotes a Swedish old-school commie who is fed up to the back teeth with multiculturalsm, LGBTBBQ++ identity politics, and Greta the Pest. He's is mad because all of these multi-culti issues have crowded out those that commies like him have traditionally fought for. He says, quote, Pride, for instance, has been reduced to dealing with sexual orientation. We believe that human dignity is primarily about having a job and having pension insurance that means that you are not forced to live on crumbs when you are old, unquote.

It's very unlikely I would agree with his proposed solutions to the problems he's talking about, but I have to admit he's trying to address some actual problems of actual working people. Rat bastard commies used to be all about the working people, or so they said. Now, the mountains of skulls produced by rat bastard commie regimes said otherwise, but I could at least respect the brawny steel-worker or coal-miner labor organizer. Those guys actual knew what a hard day's work was. The working class isn't going to be lifted up by a bunch of boutique-level soy boys and rainbow-haired androgynous baristas, who are about as useless for the left as the NeverTrumper are for conservatism.

He's upset that the worker's movement has been hijacked by a bunch of college student commie wannabes, who are definitely not proletariat no matter how much they pretend to be.

The Swedish commies aren't real big on open borders, either, nor with the creeping Islamicization of their country.

Progressivism does not come off well here. I mean, how bad does the multi-culti cult have to be when even rat bastard commies are getting tired of it?

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