Tuesday, July 02, 2019

"That's just policing as usual in a corrupt municipality increasingly without the law."

When something needs to be said, you can count on Mark Steyn to say it!
...There is no organized fascist movement except for the so-called anti-fascist movement: Antifa wear uniforms and masks on the streets of American cities and perpetrate violence with the support and connivance of powerful Democrat politicians and their hideously politicized police departments.

The consent of the latter is especially important: in the Democrats' northern fiefdoms the cops increasingly behave as they did in the party's old southern fiefdoms - they're there not to keep the peace but to ensure that their buddies in the Klan - whoops, sorry, I mean Klantifa - get to give the designated "troublemakers" a bloody good hiding. Thus in Portland, Oregon the police stood by and let Antifa beat the crap out of reporter Andy Ngo, steal thousands of dollars' worth of his equipment, and put him in hospital with a brain hemorrhage. But that's just policing as usual in a corrupt municipality increasingly without the law. As Democrat Mayor and Police Commissioner Ted Wheeler put it last year, after his officers again sat back and watched as Antifa blocked streets and threatened and intimidated drivers:
Read more here.

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