Monday, July 01, 2019

Andrew is back! He has been thinking about the American Divide.

Andrew has been off for a week, hiking in the Alps with the girl of his dreams. Being in a foreign country made it so difficult to get straight forward honest reporting of the news that he almost felt like he was still here in America! Example: Donald Trump decided to launch a military assault against Iran and was, therefore, a mindless hawk getting us into a mindless war with an innocent nation...Then, he decided to call off the attack and was, therefore, a coward letting himself be pushed around by a terrorist regime!

When Black Americans find out how badly the Democrats have screwed them for the last fifty years, Americans will need to import more Mexicans fast, or else Democrats will never be elected to anything again!

While he was away, Andrew thought about the American Divide. He decided it was really about those of us who love our founding documents vs. the anti-founders who have nothing except their own amorphous sense of their own glowing compassion, tolerance, and virtue. Anyone who opposes them can be opposed by any means necessary!

Andrew talks about a reporter named Andy Ngo, a gay guy with Cambodian ancestry, who was attacked by Antifa in Portland, whose leaders allow them to wear masks and commit violence.

The anti-founders justify their violence by referencing their own virtue.

The corporate Left owns about 95% of the communications industry in America. They target Trump, instead of the immigration problem. They want things to get worse so Trump collapses, just as Lenin wanted things to get so bad that capitalism would collapse and people would want communism.

Kamala Harris attacked Joe Biden for being against busing.

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