Tuesday, June 11, 2019

ACLU and Planned Parenthood sue Trump administration for protecting workers from being forced to provide abortion, sterilization, or voluntary euthanasia if they have religious objections.

Noah Garfinkle reports in the Washington Examiner,
Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union filed separate lawsuits Tuesday suing the Trump administration over the “conscience protection” rule that protects workers from being forced to provide abortion, sterilization, or voluntary euthanasia if they have religious objections.

...The lawsuits are in addition to an initial lawsuit against the rule filed in May. The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights announced the rule on May 7, the National Day of Prayer. The office's director, Roger Severino, said the rule guarantees that healthcare professionals “won’t be bullied” out of their field because they object to “the taking of a human life.” This is a continuation of the Trump administration's effort to protect those who object to abortion, which started with the addition of the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division to HHS last year.
Read more here.

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