Monday, May 14, 2018

One woman in particular

Oregon Muse posts this at Ace of Spaces.
"So Hillary is continuing to flap her yap and it's embarrassing: Now she's saying that (and I quote) there is still a very large proportion of the population that is uneasy with women in positions of leadership. Unquote. What a whiny b*tch. Yes, she's still complaining about losing. Only this time it's because of sexism. Not because she's probably the most corrupt national politician since LBJ. Not because she aided and abetted a serial rapist for several decades. Not because her shrieky voice can shatter glass. Not because her main goal in life is graft, plunder, and graft, and anybody with eyes can see that. Not because she has surrounded herself all of her professional life with the scummiest coterie of goons, gophers, grifters, and hatchet men you would ever go a long way to avoid. And then she wonders why she isn't 50 points up. She thinks it's because middle America doesn't like her ovaries. Meanwhile, President Trump has appointed Nikki Haley, Betsey DeVos, Sarah Sanders, Gina Haspel, Kellyanne Conway, Linda McMahon, Hope Hicks and other women to various positions in his administration, and his approval rating keeps going up. So it seems to me that it's not that America has a problem with women, but it does have a problem with one woman in particular.

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