Monday, May 14, 2018

Biting at our ankles

Kurt Schlichter writes in Town Hall,
...So what do the liberals do when they are losing the all the big fights? They try to score points by taking some conservative scalps, which should thrill Elizabeth Warren. But they only end up biting at conservatives’ ankles.

They are targeting the great Ric Grenell, our new, conservative ambassador to Germany, because he dares represent the United States’ interests. See, liberals are confused about what a United States diplomat should do. They think the American ambassador’s job is to please the foreigners with whom he is assigned to interface. This is consistent with liberals’ default position that the United States is always wrong and its critics are always right. But here’s the thing - President Trump, and Ambassador Grenell, understand that the job of an American diplomat is to represent American interests.

So Ric gets to Berlin after the Democrats fail to stop him from being confirmed and the Washington Post and the rest of the America Last caucus in the press and in the foreign policy establishment immediately shift from the “Ric hates women” (see, he’s gay, and liberals think that’s means he hates girls) to “This cruel brute has offended his gentle hosts!”

Want to know what Ric did? In a much more urbane, diplomatic way, he essentially told the Krauts to stop playing footsie with the freaking mullahs. Yeah, he was all up in their pilsner-swilling faces telling them the diplomatic equivalent of “Yo Fritz, cavorting with dudes talking about killing all the Jews is a bad look for you and you need to stop” - which is exactly what they needed to hear. And surprise - it’s exactly what they did.

...Look, I was stationed in Stuttgart in the Cold War, back before Democrats discovered that are Russians are bad. I was the first Schlichter to live in Germany in more than 250 years, my family having been kicked out by popular demand. And I worked closely with the Germans then and after. You need to handle them with a whip and a chair. Ric wasn’t nasty or crude - he was clear, and what America’s State Department desperately needs is to learn about the power of clarity. Message: You can’t be pals with Uncle Sam and these Jew-hating Seventh Century freaks - pick one, Horst.

Then there is EPA Director Scott Pruitt, whose sin was being smart and effective - sensing a theme? He was doing things like allowing coal to exist (along with jobs for the coal miners, who the weird weather cultists in San Francisco were perfectly happy to consign to poverty as a sacrifice to appease their cruel climate gods). Suddenly, mysteriously, a coordinated media campaign appeared out of nowhere accusing him of petty corruption. It was total baloney, but the idea was not to take him out with the truth. It was to take him out with innuendo and lies, to “raise questions.” Funny how these (stupid) questions coincided with his uprooting of the economy-crushing enviro nonsense the Obama regime had tried to impose upon us.

...Give them nothing. Not a head, not a scalp, not even an ankle to sink their tiny teeth into.


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