Monday, May 07, 2018

Kanye has them shaking in their boots!

In Datechguy blog, Baldilocks writes,
"He has them shaking in their boots!
Back in 2003, when I started blogging, conservatives who are black were very popular. They (we) are now also, because we still are so few in relative numbers.

And, for the most part, we were and are regular citizens. Even the very popular Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk, and Terrance Williams – persons with eloquence and/or humor – began as everyday persons who used technology and their gifts to make their points and express their support for Donald Trump and for conservative ideas.

And this is what makes long-time Trump supporter Kanye West different from the rest of us who refuse to toe the Democrat line. His hip-hop composed platform was already built. All he had to do is climb up and begin to speak. In his case, mere agreement with Owens began an avalanche.

West is no conservative but doesn’t refute the ideology. Refreshingly, he says that he doesn’t know enough about being a conservative to call himself one. I’ve seen that he is getting an introduction to the mighty works of one Thomas F. Sowell. I’m going to suggest this as his starting point.

Many conservative observers have predicted that West will be pushed back into line, and, indeed, the attempts have already been made. A member of the Crips – that long-time terrorizer of law-abiding black and other Southern Californians — has warned West to stay out of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Or else. (West and his wife, Kim Kardashian West, live in Calabasas, CA.)

And, Maxine Waters … well, read this:

Maxine Waters: “This one. Get him!”
Politico asked Waters, an outspoken critic of President Trump who advocates for his impeachment, to comment on the president’s recent “bromance with Kanye West.”:

“Kanye West is a very creative young man who has presented some of the most revolutionary material in the African-American community,” she replied. “But we also think that sometimes Kanye West talks out of turn and perhaps sometimes he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts.”

She said West should think about the impact of his words and “maybe not have so much to say.”

“We don’t think that he actually means to do harm,” she added, “but we’re not sure he really understands the impact of what he’s saying, at the time that he’s saying it and how that weighs on, particularly the African American community — and for young people in general. … And I think maybe he should think twice about politics, and maybe not have so much to say.”

Waters represents the Organized Left; the Crips street and prison gang is one of its organic enforcement arms. And both are indicating something very important: Kanye West is dangerous to the Left. And, it seems that he’s just getting started.

I have been critical of – and cutting about — West and Kardashian West before and I probably will be again, but I have to thank him for having a brain in his head, for learning to use his platform wisely, and for his fearlessness. And whatever one thinks of Kardashian West, she has been doing what any good wife does: ferociously standing by her man.

Someone – Andrew Klavan, I think — once said that culture was a very important aspect of societal change. Well, the West family has certainly been a significant portion of popular culture; yes, most of it bad.

Funny thing about change, though. Sometimes it will happen in the least expected place, to the least expected person.

And, sometimes, it will make things better.

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