Monday, May 07, 2018

I cannot embed this fabulous program, but you can find it on YouTube!

Mark Levin hosts Joe DiGenova and Dan Bongino, both of who are absolutely terrific in their knowledge of the Mueller scandal and the Obamagate spying scandal. Mark keeps calm throughout! This is his new Fox News Sunday show, which is called Life, Liberty and Levin.

Mark: Undermining the president's credibility not just at home, but abroad!

Joe: No crime has been asserted. How can Mueller constitutionally investigate no crime? Wasting the president's time amd causing an incredible burden on the president's exercise of his duties.

Dan: Mueller's intention is to impeach Trump, but also to keep attention away from the Clinton operation and the Obamagate spying scandal.

Mark: the official DOJ position (going back to the Bill Clinton era) is that you cannot indict a sitting president.

Joe: What you have is an illegitimate basis for an investigation. You cannot indict a sitting president, so why can you investigate him by force of a subpoena? Mueller doesn't have the power to investigate to impeach.

Dan: This is an on-going negative advertising campaign against the president. Mueller has sent a message to anyone who might be thinking of joining the administration: you might be targeted next!

Joe: This started out as a brazen plot through the Obama Justice Department and the FBI to exonerate Hillary Clinton...and then, if she lost, to figure out a way to frame Donald Trump and the people around him.

Dan: Most of the Republicans in Congress are really Democrats.

Joe: From the beginning they weren't investigating a crime. They were investigating a person. In so doing, it is the most vile violation of the Constitution! Mueller is a tool of the people who cannot stand Trump and want to destroy him.

Dan: Mueller is protecting Obama and Hillary, keeping us from finding out the details of their corruption.

Mark: Mueller must be brought before Congress and held to account!

Mark: the dossier is key. If the truth becomes known, you drag down Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper and others!

Joe: Don't forget the illegal unmasking by various Obama administration officials!

Dan: Congress are mostly cowards, chumps. (Not true with regard to Devin Nunes, in my opinion.)

I was unable to embed the video. It is on YouTube. I wholeheartedly recommend it!

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