Sunday, January 07, 2018

January should be quite a month for us news junkies!

At American Thinker, Clarice Feldman reports,
The new year began with a bang as the long stalled congressional investigations of the top FBI and Department of Justice officials and Fusion GPS begin to see daylight and the Clinton Foundation slush fund investigation resumed, this time with greater probity than the former top officials at the FBI and DOJ permitted.

Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, and Judiciary chairman Senator Chuck Grassley (along with Judiciary member Lindsey Graham) fired the first salvos of the year.

Devin Nunes

Chairman Nunes demanded and got from the long stonewalling FBI and DOJ the FD-302s and FD-1023s relating to the unverified, unverifiable, and totally discredited Steele dossier. These forms document interrogations and interviews by agents. Nunes now has the record of what Steele was asked by the FBI and what he answered. I assume that this is the predicate for establishing that the FISA warrant permitting the spying on the Trump campaign (and subsequent unmasking) by the Obama administration was not based on legally adequate grounds to get a warrant. Possibly, as well, they will show that certain individuals deliberately misled the FISA court (FISC).

...Since no FISA warrant could have been issued without then-attorney general Loretta Lynch's signature of approval on the application, it might appear that the committee is working its way up the ladder. If Lynch was not misled about the factual basis for the warrant and signed it anyway, she will be on the ever larger hot seat. In that case, it will be interesting to see how she avoids questions as to her conversations with then-president Obama indicating that she had okayed spying on the opposition during the election.

...Hillary Clinton

Apart from an honest investigation into her mishandling of classified materials, a more formal review of the Clinton Foundation (slush fund, pay-to-play scheme) is apparently underway and has been under the radar for some months now.

...In the background to all this, Congress still has not abandoned our need for laughs. On the Democrat side of the aisle is the threat to shut down the government if the president refuses to extend Obama's unconstitutional run around our immigration laws. What strategic genius advised them that it would be a good idea to have Grandma worrying about her Social Security checks and soldiers going unpaid to benefit 700,000 illegal aliens, aliens certain to be a drag on our economy and a negative value to our society?

Clarice links to a piece by Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review that is loaded with negative statistics about illegal immigrants.

Clarice concludes,
And on the Republican side of the aisle, we have Colorado senator Cory Gardner, the Washington Post's new darling maverick, who is threatening to block all Justice Department nominees unless Attorney General Sessions backs off allowing U.S. attorneys to sue states for violating federal law on marijuana sales. Perhaps some Colorado middle school student will send him a Constitution showing that if Congress really wants states to make marijuana sales legal, all it has to do is quit grandstanding on the issue and change the law, instead of demanding that the administration ignore what Congress itself passed.

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