Monday, December 11, 2017

Terror in New York City, Who do you want to win tomorrow in Alabama?

Today's terrorist wannabe hurt himself this morning in New York City. He also hurt five other innocent people. He was "inspired in part" by ISIS videos. He entered this country through extended family chain migration, which President Trump is calling on Congress to end. Chain migration is responsible for 70 percent of foreign nationals coming into this country!

Greg: "ISIS isn't taking credit, maybe because the wannabe terrorist had his bomb blow up in his ass!" Greg also says, "If they came in a chain migration, and one member of the chain does something awful, leave in a chain!" That might cause members of the chain to pay closer attention to the bad apple!

YouTube can shut down Prager University videos, but not ISIS? End so-called Net Neutrality!

Greg notes that ISIS is being routed, and asks one question: "Are you surprised?" But, "Once we kill this zombie, it returns in a different form."

The majority of The Five do not want to see Roy Moore win tomorrow. Greg: "The long-term consequence of having Moore in the Senate is much worse than the initial loss we will suffer tomorrow." Dana adds that Jones may be supportive of tax reform.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders let the CNN guy have her wrath at today's press conference.

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