Monday, December 11, 2017

Arrogant Athletes

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

I am getting fed up with the arrogance of athletes. Most of them are not heroes, they are just really good at playing some sort of game. They are skilled and talented, but that is not the same as heroism. Contrary to what media tells us, celebrity is not the same as hero. Wish they, and society, would figure it out.

The few athletes who are heroes are usually quite humble about their acts of heroism. They are frequently rather overlooked by the media. In particular the sports media. At this point in time I can really only think of four athletes I would truly call heroes.

Rocky Bleier. He was drafted into the United States Army in 1968. Volunteered to serve in South Vietnam. Lost part of his right foot due to a grenade, which also sent shrapnel into his lower right leg. He came back and restarted his NFL career despite the pain and challenges of his injuries. He was awarded a Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. Also won four Superbowl rings.

Tim Tebow. Despite all the negative publicity about his Christian beliefs, the man will simply not stop giving the glory to God! He is not about to hide his light for the Lord under a bushel. Even though it has been made clear time and time again that it would make his sports life easier if he would just shut up about Jesus and quit praying. But, no, he continues to honor the Lord privately and publicly!

Pat Tillman. Left a lucrative and successful NFL career to enlist in the United States Army in 2002, in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks. He turned down a $3.6 million contract to serve in the US military. He was awarded numerous medals and honors, including a Silver Star and the Purple Heart, as well as a posthumous promotion to Corporal.

JJ Watts. He is president and founder of the Justin J. Watts Foundation. He also helps with various charitable events and helping families or children in need. After Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston in August and September of 2017, he set a goal to raise $200,000. He surpassed that goal and raised more than $30 million. He then helped to buy supplies and deliver some of them personally.

These men are heroes. Compare them to the prancing and pouting jocks cluttering up our headlines. What a bunch of losers we have being shoved in our faces at every turn. The teams that refuse to visit the White House. Players kneeling during the National Anthem. Olympic Team USA members claiming to NOT represent our president. Not to mention incidents of shoplifting, assault, DUI, and various other crimes. I am sickened by their arrogance. They do not represent American values. They simply represent the stupidity and cupidity that has become the hallmark of most celebrities in America.


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