Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Playing the pacifist in the face of unceasing aggression is just begging to have your ass kicked forever."

Ace of Spades writes,
I *previously* subscribed to the idea that we should behave the way we wish the left would behave -- with the idea that perhaps one day they would see the power of our approach, and change their own approach to conform with ours.

I have previously urged that sort of approach.

But I look at the evidence, and when the evidence tells me that a course of action has utterly failed -- as the evidence tells me here -- I look for another approach.

I once advocated Treat Them as You'd Wish to be Treated Yourself.

That failed.

I now advocate Treat Them Precisely The Same as They Treat You Until They Feel the Pain of it and Sue for Peace (and agree to more civil rules of engagement).

Playing the pacifist in the face of unceasing aggression is just begging to have your ass kicked forever.

I've had my ass kicked enough. Done.

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