Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Perhaps you were looking in the wrong direction!"

Scott Adams writes, the Trump campaign, we watched the best hirer-firer of our time replace Lewandowski with Manafort before replacing Manafort with Conway. Each campaign manager was right for a respective phase of the campaign. Lewandowski was the street-fighter that got Trump attention during a crowded primary. Manafort was the well-connected operator who could guide him through the Republican convention and the nomination.

But Conway took it home, against heavy odds. Her work was – as we can clearly see – insanely good.

Trump succeeded in large part because of three brilliant, super-tough, ultra-effective women: KellyAnne Conway, Katrina Pierson, and Ivanka Trump.

If you cried on election day because it was a bad day for women, perhaps you were looking in the wrong direction.

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