Thursday, September 15, 2016

Noblesse oblige

Chateau Heartiste has some recommendations for those who wish to make America great again.
Noblesse oblige — the idea that the powerful, wealthy and fortunate are morally obligated to act magnanimously, particularly toward the less fortunate — is out of style, having been replaced with a quickness by noblesse malice, my coinage to describe a modern American nobility that not only disavows magnanimity, but actively seeks to make life more miserable for the lesser classes. Noblesse malice is what we get when the elite that actively hates the subjects under their rule are joined in their hatred by the institutions (media, academia, religions) traditionally tasked with exposing and indicting the elite’s depredations.

...The Trumpening is a righteous airing of grievances by those despised non-elite Whites, channeled into one man who had the perspicacity to recognize an opportunity to give voice to the voiceless when he saw one. But Trump can’t do it all. Once he disposes of the House of Clinton, like the House of Cuck Bush before it, and ascends the HuWhite House throne, he’ll need ideas and goals to make America consolidate again. If the Trump era will have a lasting legacy, it will need to usher in the return of noblesse oblige.

Go here to read his three suggestions for achieving that.

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