Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hillary's basket of deplorables words: weapons to Intimidate her cucked-up enemies into a cowardly submission

Chateau Heartiste writes that Hillary,
whether she understands it or not, enunciated the tenets of the Left’s new Secularism faith. The Seven Deplorable Sins are a guide to how the typical shitlib measures a person’s worth, because everyone needs a religion, even shitlibs who have discarded Christian Puritanism for “enlightened” atheism. The religious compulsion is an evolved trait in humans; all that differs across generations is how it’s expressed.

“You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’ They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it,” Clinton said.

Compare and contrast with the Seven Deadly Sins of traditional Christianity:


...The inverse of each of the Seven Deplorable Sins is the same: blindness. Pattern denial. Willful ignorance.

In contrast, the inverse of each of the traditional Seven Deadly Sins is a list of seven virtues.

...The modern religion of Secularism doesn’t proselytize for anything Good. All it preaches is the child-like virtue of Not Bad. It aspires to nothing but avoidance of social opprobrium. The problem with that ethos is the ever-shifting definition of what qualifies as socially unacceptable. The Secularist’s Seven Deplorable Sins are outgrowths of temporal sensibilities and the detritus of verbally dexterous status whores jockeying for power, distinct in nature from the Seven Deadly Sins which resonate precisely because they tap into timeless truths about humanity and fallen man.
Read more here.

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