Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer morning

Ann Voskamp writes at A Holy Experience,
When the sun slides down windows, beckoning us to come out now, you have time now to come out and be — it’s like hope and grace begin again with every summer day.

And these fleeting summer days unwrap like melting ice cream sandwiches, like gladiolas unfolding unabashedly glad in the garden, like monarchs unfolding out of pearled cocoons in His own perfect time.

Try, but really, are there fresher words than those two: summer morning? Summer mornings and the air thick with the spices of a thousand opening flowers and would it matter if we were one of the winged ones that lived only a handful of summer days, because we could fill those handful of open-handed days with more glory than a cynical seventy years might ever contain?

You unwrap the gifts you’ve always wanted most — when tight hands unfold into open-handed trust.

Ann's friend, photographer Esther Havens, writes,
We can choose to enjoy these moments God has given us to the fullest or let them pass us by.

This summer, I really tried to focus on thankfulness.

Thankfulness for every person’s life I get to be a part of!

We all get to be a part of the stories that are interwoven around us.

Today as I’m reflecting and writing this from Rwanda, tears fill my eyes with thankfulness.

God is good —

and His beauty surrounds us.
Read more here.

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