Monday, July 27, 2015


Ann Voskamp writes at A Holy Experience,
So… it didn’t work out.

You know — That Thing.

In the dark, in the middle of the night, it gets very clear:
He who is hurried by worry, delays the comfort of God.

Pain begs us to believe that only action can end our ache — when actually only God can.

Action doesn’t end pain — God does.

And the making of one’s whole life takes time. Goals take longer than you think; the ways of God take longer than you want. It takes time, a lifetime, to turn the ache of our longings toward Him.

We can simply want our situation solved — when God simply wants to be our answer.

And the best situation — is always what makes God your best hope.

In the middle of things seemingly not working out for us —- God is working out something in us.

Do not ever fear, ever. Simply do not ever stop patiently wait on God.

The Spirit is married to patience.

Be impatient — and you drive a wedge between you and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

In a world of fists and demands and tight grips for control — patiently waiting with open hand is a radical act — a radical art.

Open hands defy the dark — and testify to a radical act of trust.

Grace beyond our imaginings can fall into open hands.

New things will happen to us — unknown, unwanted, unexpected things — and we can name those things grace.

All sins and brokenness — turn out to be watered by impatience.
Read more here.

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