Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Grace circling back

Moving can be a frustrating, tiring experience, physically and mentally. Did I remember to pack this? Where did I put that? I am glad it is over. I am lucky that my kids have enough confidence in me to tell me when I am being grouchy. I can then choose to readily admit the truth of that charge, and apologize, or be a fool and deny it. When they bring it to my attention, I apologize sincerely, and try (and usually fail) to do better.

As Ann Voskamp wrote in today's blog post at A Holy Experience,

I do know there are parenting days when the terms of endearment can get confusing and it all feels more like the terms of endurement.

Lent’s for the messes, the mourners, the muddled — for the people right lost. Lent’s not about making anybody acceptable to a Savior — but about making everybody aware of why they need a Savior.

So, should we all give ourselves the "L" sign for Losers, or the "A" sign for Amazing?

Ann writes,

You don’t need higher self-esteem.

You need greater self-grace — that comes from the depths of His grace.

Amazing grace in your self-talk — makes everything amazing.

His grace that you accept for yourself — is the same grace you then extend to others — which then graciously circles back to you.

Read Ann's full post here:


  1. We all need someone to help us remember that God will help us and we are not perfect.
