Wednesday, March 06, 2013

A letter to my son

My son recently got a computer, his first. Now he can email me from New Mexico on any subject he wishes. Today he asked me about the people who were at the Colorado Capitol trying to stop Democrats from infringing on their Second Amendment rights. I gave him this report.

People drove by the Capitol all day long honking on their horns. Inside the Capitol, pro-Second Amendment people filled every inch of space all the way to the top. They also filled the rooms in the House of Representatives where the bills were being discussed. Their presence was all to no avail. All the Democrat-sponsored bills passed (6 or 7 of them), and now go to the Senate, which is also controlled by the Democrats. After the Senate passes the bills, they go to the governor for final passage into law. He is also a Democrat.

Colorado used to be solidly Republican, but now is mostly Democrat, because most people live in Denver. Almost all the rest of Colorado, except Pueblo (Hispanics are the majority there) and Boulder, is solidly Republican. There has been a huge influx of Hispanics into Denver, as you and I both noted (it is not racist to acknowledge truth) when we were driving in Denver Sunday, and they vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats, because Democrats allow them to be here illegally with no consequences, and allow them to take advantage of free government programs, such as food stamps and free lunch and breakfast programs at schools.

49 million Americans now use government-issued food stamps to buy the food they eat. Almost every single one of these people vote for Democrats, who promise to keep these programs growing, even though we now have to borrow money from the Chinese and Japanese to pay for these "free" programs, because our government is spending way more money than it is taking in from taxpayers. A lot of other single women use something called WIC to buy their food. WIC stands for Women, Infants, and Children. Women who get knocked up by some guy they are not married to can just get on this government program and food stamps and eat very well. Or, they can go to Planned Parenthood, and get the government to pay for abortions, (killing the baby growing inside the woman's body) and not have to worry about taking responsibility to raise their children.

Boulder is solidly Democrat (liberals), because the university is infected with leftists, all of whose salaries are being paid by the taxpayers, and the young people who attend college are doing so on their parents' dimes, and most have never worked in a job, so they swallow the utopian ideas espoused by their teachers, spit those ideas back to the teachers on tests, and earn their degrees. All of the salaries of all your teachers and other employees of the school you attend are also paid by taxpayers, so they also tend to vote for Democrats. Teachers belong to unions. Teachers unions are one of the strongest pillars of the Democrat Party

Republicans (conservatives) believe in a strong national defense. They believe in the Constitution, which limits the power of the government over free American citizens. Republicans believe that individuals who work should be allowed to keep most of the money they earn, rather than forking their money over to the government. They believe that if a law-abiding free American citizen wants to buy a gun to protect themselves and their families, or give a gun to their son or daughter, they should be free to do so without government interference. In fact, it may actually be someone from the government who they may need to protect themselves from! They believe it should be hard for persons who have been legally adjudicated mentally ill or criminal to get guns.

Democrats believe that only the police or military should have guns. That way, when they are being attacked in their homes, the police can arrive in time to identify their bodies and go look for the criminals who broke into their homes and killed them. Gun crime is highest in big American cities controlled by Democrats, such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles which have severe laws infringing on the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

Democrats, many of whom work for the government, believe that the government should be big enough to keep employing them to make this world into a utopia where they get to make the rules the rest of us have to live by, including infringing on the people's right to keep and bear arms, outlawing plastic grocery bags, outlawing the sale of 32 ounce sodas, and preventing companies from developing our oil and gas reserves, which are more abundant than anywhere else on earth. If we could develop those reserves, we would no longer have to borrow money from other countries. One state, North Dakota, is allowing companies to extract oil and gas from private lands, and now that state pays the highest wages and has the lowest taxes and lowest unemployment rate of any state in the U.S.

The end. P.S. I love you! Dad

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