Friday, October 12, 2012

"The essence of my being has eternal life."

From Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, writing in My Stroke of Insight: "The first thing I do to experience my inner peace is to remember that I am part of a greater structure - an eternal flow of energy and molecules from which I cannot be separated. Knowing that I am a part of the cosmic flow makes me feel innately safe - and experience my life as heaven on earth. How can I feel vulnerable when I cannot be separated from the greater whole? My left mind thinks of me as a fragile individual capable of losing my life. My right mind realizes that the essence of my being has eternal life. Although I may lose these cells and my ability to perceive this three-dimensional world, my energy will merely absorb back into the tranquil sea of euphoria. Knowing this leaves me grateful for the time I have here as well as enthusiastically committed to the well-being of the cells that constitute my life."


  1. Is this a strange new way to say I am an eternal being part of an eternal family with a very real Heavenly Father? If so, then I'm on board. I think that's what she's saying just differently from how I would put it.

  2. Terri,
    I don't know if it is strange, but I do believe it is a confirmation of truth from a scientist.

  3. I think she totally missed the point, personally. If we think of ourselves as just molecules that will flow back into the cosmos, that's true, but its another way of saying that we are nothing but dust. Dust unto dust. And therefore when we die our selves cease to exist, lose their meaning and poigniancy quickly after death, until we are completely erased. I'd say she's overly optimistic to call this world a "sea of euphoria" as well. Maybe from her upper-middle class its easier to fool herself, but I don't think those words have the same resonance in the slums, the ghettos, the prisons, the orphanages, abortion clinics, etc. This world is full of hurt, everywhere you look.

    The truth is that we are eternal not because our molecules will be reabsorbed, but because we have SOULS! And we can feel innately safe when we place our faith in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! Not in the cosmic flow! We cannot be separated from God's love! HE is the greater whole that we seek, consciously and subconsciously. When our bodies pass away unto dust, we can look forward to our souls being joined together with Christ in relationship! "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now we know in part, then we shall know fully, even as we are fully known!" She has real insight to realize she hopes for eternal live, but I think she overlooked the only real hope by not realizing that Jesus is real! And alive!

  4. Ryan,
    Dr. Taylor is a brain scientist. When she had her stroke, she discovered something she had not previously known: that there was a part of her brain, her right hemisphere, that is a place of bliss, a place of connection, peace, euphoria. And, I wonder, a place where we can realize and connect with God's love?

    You say you have a soul. Where is it located? Might it be in your brain's right hemisphere? A place where your soul can be joined together with Christ in relationship here and now? Or, do you have to wait until you die before you can do that?
