"Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon." Woody Allen
"Start every day off with a smile and get it over with." W.C. Fields
These quotes by Woody Allen and W.C. Fields made me think of the last three days at work. Wednesday was a great day. Joy built upon joy, and feelings of thankfulness. Thursday got off to a bad start, and I convinced myself I was the victim of unfairness. It completely ruined my entire day. Today was a good day again, because I had taken time to reflect on Wednesday and Thursday, realizing that I must get away from "Poor me, I'm a victim" thinking ASAP!
Update: I should, however, probably keep in mind this quote from Homer Simpson: "Trying is the first step towards failure."
Photos and quotes found here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/9594011/30-great-one-liners.html?frame=2363319
Via Instapundit
It is hard to maintain that positive spirit. I always try to remember what Christ said, paraphrased it's that it's easy to love those that love you I am asking you to love those who do not.