Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The teams are in place

Well, the teams are now in place: Romney-Ryan and Obama-Biden. Or, are they? Will Obama stick with Biden, or will he bring in Hillary? Biden and Ryan are both Irish Catholics. One appeals to Catholics who are for "social justice," big government entitlement programs, abortion, marriage of two men, two women, or, ... The other is for responsible budgeting, smaller government, traditional marriage of one man and one woman, the sacredness of life, and a strong military.

One team has been running the country for three and a half years. Are they proudly talking about their accomplishments? No, they spend all their time attacking the other team, trying to scare voters by alleging that the other team will push granny over the cliff in her wheel chair, cause women to die of cancer, not pay income tax, close down companies, pollute the air, and any other drastic scenario they can come up with. They want as many people as possible to vote, including people who are not U.S. citizens. They broadcast Spanish language messages into Mexico, encouraging Mexicans to come to America and get on the Food Stamp entitlement program, and, oh yes, while you're here, be sure to vote for the One who expanded the food stamp entitlement program and welfare benefits.

One team believes in bowing to foreign enemies and apologizing for American power, and they have decided to make big cuts in America's military. Communities with defense contractors will not see the cuts until January 2013, after this momentous election will already have taken place. The other team believes in keeping America the strongest nation on earth, with the most agile and well-equipped military.

One team believes in taxing people who are earning money and using that money to hire bureaucrats and IRS agents, and subsidizing corporations that contribute to their political campaign. That team believes coal and oil are evil and should be replaced by solar panels, algae, and windmills that kill eagles. The other team believes that the US should allow corporations to develop our abundant oil and gas reserves, thereby employing hundreds of thousands of Americans in good paying jobs in the private sector, and achieving independence from foreign sources of oil from countries whose leaders are enemies of America.

Both teams believe in cutting back on Medicare costs. The team that has been in power has cut over 700 billion dollars from the Medicare program to fund a new national health care system called Obamacare. A panel of unelected bureaucrats will decide which Medicare benefits will be allowed and which will not be allowed for people now covered by Medicare. The cutbacks are mostly to hospitals and insurers, but also to home health care providers. The other team promises not to cut Medicare for anyone presently over the age of 55. They plan to restore the 700 billion Obama has cut from Medicare to pay for Obamacare, and give younger citizens the options of choosing which programs they want.

Paul Ryan, whose mother is currently on Medicare, and who, as a teenager, after his father died of a heart attack, helped his mother care for his grandmother, who had Alzheimers Disease, is the one who does not want to cut benefits for current seniors, or those 55 and older.

1 comment:

  1. Nice comparison Bob.

    "They broadcast Spanish language messages into Mexico, encouraging Mexicans to come to America and get on the Food Stamp entitlement program"

    I didn't know that bit. Another reason to oust those rats.
