Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Renewed enthusiasm!

Conservative talk radio hosts seem to be breathing a collective sigh of relief now that Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his running mate. I had been sensing some weariness, a feeling that the talk show hosts were carrying too much of the burden in trying to keep the base fired up. The three I listen to most, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity, all have renewed vigor, enthusiasm, and confidence in the campaign's chances for victory in November.

Update: I added one more talk show host to this discussion, because I listened to Glenn Beck and his two sidekicks today, discussing Joe Biden's recent "Y'all are goin' to be back in chains" remarks to an audience that included lots of black people. Glenn and his guys did a superb job of commenting on this, and also showed optimism and confidence in the newly re-invorgorated Romney campaign. Glenn believes the Obama campaign is purposely trying to get a reaction from conservatives, but Beck said, "You know what, we're tired of all this, and we're not going to react with anger."

Glenn has read Alinksy, one of whose principles was, "The action is in the reaction." Again, however, as I have written before, Alinsky was not writing principles to enable one man to get power. Alinsky was hoping to enable whole communities of people to learn how to fight against corrupt power structures. Obama has misused those principles to advance himself, at the expense of the very people Saul Alinsky would have wanted to organize!

Glenn admires Romney for not overreacting with too much anger at the Obama-Biden team's attempt to provoke, and he cautions his radio listeners to practice love in the face of provocation. Good advice! The attacks are getting more and more absurd. The latest was Biden telling an audience that included many black Americans, "They want y'all back in chains!."

 Read more about Saul Alinsky here:

Update 2: Oops! I found one popular talk show host who isn't so enthusiastic. Michael Savage says that "adding Ryan to the ticket is like adding white rice to wonder Bread." He wanted Florida Congressman Col. Alan West or Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

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