Monday, July 30, 2012

Manipulating readers by the wording of headlines

I think I should have a regular daily post showing how The Denver Post slants the news toward the liberal viewpoint. One of the main ways they do this is through the way they word their headlines and sub-headlines. I think that is on purpose, because they know that many readers just look at headlines, and do not actually read what is written below the headline.

Here's one from yesterday. Big bold headline: Israel: Ally or threat? The actual story is about how Israel spies on our spies. Why not? What reason do they have to believe that Obama is their friend? Is Israel our ally, or a threat? Why would liberal newspapers like the Post be more threatened by Israel, than they are by countries like Egypt, where Islamists are rising to power, and will issue edicts as to how people can dress, what they can eat, what they can say, and whom they must hate.

Here is the on-line version, with a changed headline:

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