Monday, July 30, 2012

Choosing the right, or the left

Is it an accident that each of us has both a left and right hemisphere brain? No, I don't think so. If, then, it is not an accident, shouldn't we honor how we are created, and learn to use both? But, how? By paying attention to what circuitry is running at any given time. Are you feeling "in the moment," carefree, connected to others, grateful for the miracle of life, then your right brain is probably dominating. If you are incessantly worrying, running negative tapes over and over, or just analyzing, using language and logic, or arguing your point, your left brain is dominating.

The key is to be aware of the circuitry that is dominating, and choose which of the marvelous assets you want to utilize in the particular circumstance you find yourself in. If you are choosing to be in an argument with a know-it-all elitist put-down-artist leftist, call on the skills of your left brain! If your boss calls you in to give you your annual evaluation, and your boss does not want to hear your ideas about how his business can better serve its customers, then smile and nod, and call on your right brain to help you keep your job until Obama is voted out of office by left-brain dominated voters in November, and the economy starts to revive, and you can go get a job in a business that cares about its customers!

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