Monday, March 05, 2012

The vetting begins

Andrew Breitbart's colleagues at Big Government have written the first of many pieces they promise between now and November 6 to vet not only "Baracka" (as he was known in Chicago) Obama, but also his rivals for the Presidency. They begin with "a story that should swing the first hammer against the glass wall the mainstream media has built around Barack Obama."

Thanks to Bob Belvedere at Camp of the Saints for letting us know about this post. 

I will post something later about this. There is a good reason Saul Alinsky was a hero to many in Chicago. Read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle.  

Update: Like Andrew Breitbart, Saul Alinsky was a man who wanted to right wrongs. Both men were larger than life in the way they impacted others. Alinsky didn't like the way the poor were treated by America's institutions, such as law enforcement and education. Breitbart didn't like the way the media slanted things to favor the left. Both men courageously and purposely courted conflict. Both knew that if they could get under the skins of their opponents, their opponents would reveal their true colors. That has certainly been apparent since the untimely death of Mr. Breitbart.

However, if your goal is to defeat President Obama, there is a record to examine. Dissect it! Show how he has proven that he is not the man for this job. Show what he has done and what he has not done that he should have done.

Attending an event in Chicago when he was a state senator is not part of Obama's record as President.

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