Monday, March 05, 2012


Pamela Geller does not mince words.
"A 30-year-old poses as a 23-year-old, chooses a Catholic University to attend at $65,000 per year, and cannot afford ALL the birth control pills she needs... so she wants the US taxpayers to pay for her rampant sexual activity. By all accounts she is banging it five times a day. She sounds more like a prostitute to me. She must have an gyno bill to choke a horse (pun intended). Calling this whore a slut was a softball."

"Obama calls her and tells Sandra Slut Fluke that her parents should be so proud of her.
He's a pimp.
Did he call the sole survivor of the Fogel family massacre?
He is morally bankrupt."

"As for Rush calling a spade a spade, or in this case, a slut a slut, advertiser Carbonite is playing selective outrage. Contact Carbonite here and demand that they drop their ads from Ed Schultz's program.
Is This Why Carbonite Dumped Rush But Not Ed Schultz?
The Right Sphere, March 4, 2012 3:06 pm
A lot of folks have been asking why Carbonite would choose to pull its ads from Rush Limbaugh’s show for referring to activist Sandra Fluke as a “slut” but they still advertise on Ed Schultz’s show after he referred to Laura Ingraham the same way. I wonder if the fact that Carbonite’s CEO, David Friend, is an Obama donor has anything to do with it?" From Open Secrets

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