Thursday, May 19, 2011

A politically incorrect school: Yay!

Even though Sara has been the victim of some stupid racial remarks by peers, I like the school where she, Greg and Jon attend. The school board was very receptive to our offer to help them write policies for the next school year. The school year ended yesterday, since today's scheduled field day events were cancelled due to much-needed rain.

Today I am writing about the fact that the school does some politically incorrect things, despite pressure from Michelle Obama. Here, for example, is a poem for which Sara was assigned to read and draw accompanying images.

Burgers and Fries

Oh burgers and fries,
burgers and fries!
How my mouth waters,
they light up my eyes!

I pour on the ketchup,
pile on the cheese,
stuff in some pickles,
but no onions, please!

I heap on some bacon,
butter the bun,
pass me the mayo,
and mustard, a ton!

I glop a tomato
right on the top,
drop on some mushrooms
add bun with a plop!

Now it's all ready,
pass me the fries!
Grab me a napkin,
I'll gobble my prize!

Oh burger and fries,
burger and fries!
How my mouth waters,
they light up my eyes!

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