Thursday, May 19, 2011

Losing confidence in Blogger

My post about our politically incorrect school was dropped by Blogger after it initially published. I don't enjoy having to type it again. What can we do to back up posts?


  1. Harvey left a comment at my place saying that he composes everything in NoteTab Lite which is like a much improved version of Windows Notepad. Then he cuts/pastes into the blogger editor.

    I downloaded the free version the other day but haven't played with it much. I have noticed, though, that it has some cool html stuff and lots of built-in conversions for mm to inches and stuff like that.

    That way you can save a copy on your own PC.

  2. I don't use blogger and haven't had the problems, but... that said, I do write my posts in NoteTab, or any generic text cruncher, save them, and copy and paste into the blogging client, WordPress in my case. It's a bit of a nuisance, but I use it because I'm so often interrupted or just do things piecemeal. So what I post has passed by my hands a couple times before it gets posted. Now THAT is a scary thought. But it's true.
