Have you noticed that for some time now the supernatural has been the big theme in book sales? Well, today's Wall Street Journal says we are again going to be flooded with the supernatural this summer. Tales of zombies, werewolves, ghosts, robots, aliens, magicians, dragons, demons, vampires, and witches were the top items the publishing houses were featuring at the Book Expo America convention this week in New York, which is the book industry's biggest convention. In 2010 358 fantasy titles hit the bestseller lists. Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" series sold 116 million copies. The champ, of course, is J.K. Rowling, whose "Harry Potter" books have sold more than 400 million copies.
Are people looking for some way to make sense of their lives? Do we feel trapped in dead end scenarios in our real lives? Is reality no fun any more?
I love fantasy and I guess it's because I don't want to see RL or read about RL in novels and movies. I want the good vs evil and good wins. If it's cowboys, aliens, alternate universes, no dif to me. Just make sure it has a happy ending tho. Cuz frankly sometimes RL sucks.