Sunday, May 29, 2011

Above the Law

George Will writes in the Washington Post about Obama's choice to ignore the War Powers Act, which requires that a President terminate military action within 60 days, if Congress has not approved it. The war against Libya began more than 70 days ago. However, Obama has the full support of one John McCain, as Will points out in this final paragraph:
“No president,” says Sen. John McCain, “has ever recognized the constitutionality of the War Powers Act, and neither do I. So I don’t feel bound by any deadline.” Oh? No law is actually a law if presidents and senators do not “recognize” it? Now, there is an interesting alternative to judicial review, and an indicator of how executive aggrandizement and legislative dereliction of duty degrade the rule of law.


  1. I think I can be safe in saying McCain would have just been an Obama light.

  2. It certainly appears you are right, Terri.
