Sunday, February 06, 2011

To Ponder...

from Frank J. at IMAO: "Sarah and Bristol Palin are trademarking their names. This is a smart idea. If Sarah Palin got a nickel every time some liberal screeched about her, she’d be the fifth largest economy in the world."

"It seems like the main point of college is to extend adolescence for four more years. And if you’ve ever met an adolescent, why in the world would you want to do that? Time to focus less on whether our children are getting educations and more on whether they actually know how to do anything useful."

"It’s false advertising for a place to call itself American and then have tons of nanny state restrictions on people’s personal activities. Instead, places like New York City or San Francisco (which banned Happy Meals) should only be able to call themselves “America Contiguous” — like Canada."

from Clarisa Feldman at American Thinker: (Obama,) "the man elected by people who quite clearly confused the last presidential election with an American idol contest."

"I think it's a good rule of thumb that whenever Obama begins a statement with "Let me be clear," he means quite the opposite of whatever follows."

1 comment:

  1. Ok the whole American Idol comment wins hands down.
