Sunday, February 06, 2011

God will be the Judge

Yesterday, while shopping at Wal-Mart, I noticed a guy snapping pictures with his cell phone camera. Then I realized that he was taking pictures of a man who was unaware he was being photographed. I asked the would-be photographer if he planned to upload his photos onto He said he was planning to do just that. The reason he started taking photos of the man is that he noticed when the man stooped over to get an item on a bottom shelf, that the man's butt-crack was more than a little revealed, since he was wearing loose-fitting sweatpants.

As I watched the photographer, I became annoyed at the photographer. Yes, his subject was not super-cool like he thought he was, but the subject seemed like a jolly person who just didn't care much how he dressed for the Wal-Mart shopping experience. The elitist photographer in his expensive clothes probably felt very superior to the other fellow.

God will be the Judge.


  1. On the other hand, we are a motley looking crew considering what availability we have in terms of at least wearing something decent.

  2. I have looked at that People of Walmart site sometimes, and I admit that I've found it funny when they showed folks who were obviously trying to draw attention to themselves.

    But the kind of thing you mentioned led me to finally quit looking at it - it seemed to be becoming more and more cruel and condescending. No thanks ... enough of that in my world without volunteering for more. :(
