Does sunspot activity influence human activity? Are solar disturbances "detonators that set off the smoldering discontent of the masses?" "The number of sunspots during any period may not be as significant as whether there is a rapid increase in the numbers, triggering unexpected passions." Since sunspot activity has been steadily increasing, does that explain the passions being unleashed in the Middle East?
There is a man who has been studying this. He has developed a theory called The Tchijevsky Index of Mass Human Excitability, and this blogger tells us about it. He asks, "Could it be that, solar maximums don't stimulate people in ways that make them agitated, but rather, they stimulate human creativity, causing people to strive for improvement. But in places where that creativity is stifled and repressed, where their creative energy has no creative outlet, no chance of improvement, that energy would then be directed to removing obstacles to the manifestation of that creativity and improvement?"
Maybe I'm being a bit overboard here but this smacks of ancient man thinking the moving of the stars and sun have significant play on our lives when in fact they are simply part of natural law and we are subject to the law of choice?