Thursday, February 17, 2011

An Object of Beauty

I just finished reading Steve Martin's An Object of Beauty, so I suppose I should write something about it and what thoughts it has triggered in my mind. It is really an historical novel, chronicling some of the important events of the 1990s and the first nine years of the 21st century. Steve's knowledge of art and the art world is impressive, and forms the backdrop of the story. However, the ending left me flat.

The book did get me to thinking about money. How much do we need? Do those who have it in abundance have happiness in abundance? How much of your soul are you willing to sell in order to get lots of money? Are you willing to sell out people who love you?

The main character in the story is a beautiful woman who knows how to flaunt her beauty in order to get what she wants. But she cannot control events like 9-11 or the crash of 2008. Who among us is wise enough to sit on the sideline with cash, once we have amassed some? No, for most of us, the thrill of making lots of money only leads to more risk-taking, and eventual loss.

1 comment:

  1. I guess the real question is what do you do with your amassed wealth. I know super rich people who do countless gifts of support and encourage on the sidelines, never letting anyone know. For example, my college roommate's daughter is on a mission for our church in Brazil. Our missionaries pay for this out of their or their families' money. Someone annoymously came forward and paid hers up. She's only been out for 4 months on a 18-month mission. So to me it's what you do with it. That's assuming you got legally I should probably add that.
