Monday, August 02, 2010

Whom do you ask to fix the problem?

This morning I got to listen to Peter Boyles on KHOW radio. He made some points I liked. In talking about Tom Tancredo's candidacy for Colorado governor, he used the word resistance... that Tancredo resists the politically correct ways of doing things. I find that appealing. Boyles also quoted Einstein, who said that you don't ask the people who caused the problems to fix the problems! George Washington did not cause the problem. Thomas Jefferson did not cause the problem. Abraham Lincoln did not cause the problem. Ronald Reagan did not cause the problem. They were, however, exactly the right men to fix the problem, and lead our country to greater accomplishments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to remember that when stuck in my own problems...don't ask those in it with me or causing it. Look to someone you admire.
