One of the benefits of being a consumer is that you can choose! In deciding whom to read or whom to listen to, I can choose whomever I want, even if the two I choose do not like each other! For example, I choose to listen to Rush Limbaugh and read Peggy Noonan. I don't think they like each other, but I thoroughly enjoy them both.
Peggy emphasizes love. She says that is the most important virtue. She is right. She points out that the man she wrote speeches for, and whom she greatly admired, Ronald Reagan, was a man who attracted voters because of his genuine love for America. Rush Limbaugh also loved Ronald Reagan. Rush saw the same virtues that Peggy saw in Ronald Reagan. Rush is obsessed with resisting and exposing liberals. Ronald Reagan was obsessed with fighting and exposing communists. Peggy writes that our leaders need to be people of principle, but also people of grace and goodwill toward fellow Americans with whom they disagree. Rush would probably see that as being mushy. He believes in exposing and fighting liberals and articulating for us the principles that made this country great. No one does it better.
Good for you Bob I can't stomach Peggy Noonan. She drives me insane.