Thursday, May 13, 2010

For Your Own Good

Are you a victim of advertising by corporations? C'mon, you know you are. Which foods did they hook you on? Oreos? Chips Ahoy? Ben and Jerrys? Coke? Pepsi? Dominos? Well, if you will just cooperate with us, we will take over these evil corporations, just like we have General Motors, Chrysler, the health care industry, and the financial institutions.

What? You don't want to stop eating and drinking these things? You don't care if you get obese? Now, listen to me! We are now responsible for your health care. We must control health care costs. If you insist on eating things that are not good for you, we will have no choice but to ration your health care. That means no health care for you, you bitter clingers. When my husband said he will "fundamentally transform" America, he wasn't just doing what George Soros told him to do; he actually meant it! He does not even need a teleprompter on this one!

Oh, and by the way. Those of you who are eating meat almost every day. Were you not listening when we said we must stop "environmentally damaging consumption patterns?" One more thing: How much longer do you think we will let you drive those gas-guzzling automobiles?

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