Wednesday, May 12, 2010


People who try to convince you that you are a victim are almost always really about trying to control you. If someone is trying to convince you that you are a victim, BEWARE! If there is one vitally important thing I have learned in this life, this is it! I think it ranks right up at the top of life lessons for me. It is so seductive, and often so hard to see through.

Yes, people are wronged in varying degrees on almost a daily basis. However, if you have been wronged, do you really need someone else to tell you? No! You know it, because you are the one who has been wronged. Whose responsibility is it to decide whether or not to do something about it? Yours! Do you need to become dependent on some other human being to rectify the situation? No!

Whom do we need to become dependent on? God! Only God! God in three persons: the Holy Trinity! And the guidance you will receive from God will be vastly different from the guidance you will receive from another human being or from your own brain and emotons!

1 comment:

  1. May I share just one tiny example: I have a nemis at work whose antics are mostly designed to keep from working too hard but consequently throw the burden on others...and to stab me in the back every chance that's there. When I pray, I'm told repeatedly do not be concerned, I have other plans for you. Have you any idea how hard that is to accept and work under? And yet I must.
