Now Condoleeza Rice and top Bush administration lawyers are to be punished for keeping Americans safe? Rice approved waterboarding of al-Qaeda terrorist Abu Zubaydah in 2002 when she was then-national security adviser to President Bush. Bush administration lawyers developed the legal rationale for what could and could not be done by CIA interrogators. The interrogation tactics worked; no further terror plots were successful in America after 9-11-2001. These dedicated public servants should be praised and rewarded, but no, they are being subjected to daily media stories on t.v. news and in the print media. They will have to hire expensive lawyers to defend themselves. The left is relentless and completely without scruples in ruining the lives of the people who dedicated their lives to protecting us.
Former Bush associate Mark Thiessen alleges in the Washington Post that "President Obama's decision to release these documents (on the CIA interrogation program) is one of the most dangerous and irresponsible acts ever by an American president during a time of war - and Americans may die as a result." One specific instance Thiessen points to was a "Second Wave" plot to use East Asian operatives to crash a hijacked jet airliner into Library Towers, the tallest building on the West Coast of America.
Congressman Pete Hoekstra of Michigan has asked the National Intelligence Director for the names and dates of all members of Congress who attended briefings on the enhanced interrogation techniques. Dick Cheney has also requested that the White House release memos that reveal the successes of the program. Hoekstra wonders if, instead of an investigation into the enhanced interrogation program, what may be needed is an investigation into what the Obama administration may be doing to "endanger the security of this nation."
Two former members of the Bush Justice Department have written in the April 20 WSJ that the CIA interrogation methods have been used for years on thousands of American service members "with the full knowledge of Congress." They were developed and deployed "at a time of supreme peril, after 9-11-2001 as a means of preventing future attacks on innocent civilians both in the U.S. and abroad."
The whole BDS still manages to shock me. I dislike Obama intensely well I dislike what he's doing but I want him to stop or go away but that's about it. What is it with this insanity?