So much has been written and said about the danger of Iran's radical Islamists getting their hands on nukes; but what about the Taliban in Pakistan? While American feminists were telling us that Sarah Palin was the biggest threat we had to worry about, the vicious women-beating Taliban were taking over Pakistan with very little resistance from their fellow Muslims in Pakistan's military. Will it be okay with the feminists if the Taliban takes control of Pakistan's arsenal of nuclear weapons?
I tried this post out on an angry leftist (I know, that is redundant) at my place of employment. Sure enough, he told me he hates Sarah Palin! I didn't ask why, but he volunteered something about her shooting wolves from helicopters. I asked if he thought it was okay for the Taliban to murder and maim women and girls. No, he didn't think that was okay. Progress!
Good luck on that. Anyone who puts shooting wolves from a helicopter to cut down on an increasing population to stoning some poor 16 year old because she was seen with a man not her family member has a serious screw loose.