Tuesday, December 09, 2008

They Have A Secret

Barack Obama says that over 40 million Americans are without health insurance, thus implying that they are without health care. That implication is false. Go into any emergency room in any hospital in America. You will see signs in both Spanish and English, telling people that the hospital is not allowed to refuse services to any person who needs them, but is unable to pay for them. At least 12 million people are in this country illegally, but are included in the census figures Obama cites.

If you station yourself at the front entrance of any emergency room in America, you will see such persons coming into the hospital for health care that is provided free for them, thanks to the taxpayers of America, who, the media tells us, are in the middle of a deep recession. Word spreads. Persons who are here illegally have no trouble locating a hospital where they can get free care; neither do any of the rest of the people who are without health insurance!

1 comment:

  1. Don't get me started on this one...for several years I worked in the business offices of a Catholic and secular hospital. The amount of people who never fully pay their bills is astonishing and eyeopening. The evil hospital like the big three CEOs don't help, but I was shocked by the way people responded to the leftover amount not covered by something.
