Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Remember the terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba, who created havoc in India a few days ago? Turns out they had supporters in America.

Lawyers for a person the New York Times calls a "Muslim scholar" named Ali al-Timimi have asked Congress for an investigation into new evidence that the US. National Security Agency illegally wiretapped Ali al-Timimi, then concealed the eavesdropping during a 2005 trial in which the "scholar" was convicted on terrorism charges.

The "scholar" from northern Virginia was convicted on charges of inciting his "Muslim followers" to commit acts of violence overseas. Where did they go overseas? To Kashmir, where Lashkar-e-Taiba trained terrorists.

A Democrat from New Jersey, Representative Rush Holt, is chairman of the Select Intelligence Oversight Panel. Holt says he plans to ask the inspector general of the NSA to open what would be the first formal investigation by the agency into whether its eavesdroppoing program had improperly interfered with an American's right to a fair trial.

1 comment:

  1. Yep getting more depressed as the days go by and Obama isn't even the president yet.
