Friday, December 05, 2008

A Sad Day in Colorado

There is big news today in Denver, and it is not good. Like most other newspapers in America, The Rocky Mountain News has been losing money - expected to be fifteen million dollars by the end of the year. The Rocky's editorial page is common sense-oriented. If no buyer is found in 4 to 6 weeks, it will be shut down by Cincinnati-based E.W.Scripps. This is a very sad day for Colorado.


  1. I hate to hear that - RMN has always been my favorite Colorado newspaper - far better than the Post.

  2. Very, very distressed to read this. I love the RMN and read it when I'm out West.

  3. Yes, it's scary out there. I work for a small trade publication and am worried myself about our future...although so far we are holding steady.
