Friday, December 05, 2008

Competition, Anxiety, and Absurdity

I guess this was predictable. A lawsuit has been filed against Wal-Mart by the family of the 6'5" 270 lb Wal-Mart employee who was trampled to death by a mob of shoppers on black Friday. Listen to the language of the lawyers: store ads "created an atmosphere of competition and anxiety that led to "crowd craze." No one in that crowd was responsible, because they had anxiety caused by a retail store that "created an atmosphere of competition!"

This is what the mental health and legal professions have done to our country. If we have anxiety, we cannot be held accountable for our actions. Competition is a dirty word. We must eliminate competition, because it creates anxiety. Not only that, but if we lose in that competition, we must be bailed out, or we will suffer from low self esteem!

1 comment:

  1. There was a time when a judge would have thrown out such a patently absurd our judges are acting like lawyers instead of judges. I'm pretty sure it will end badly for all of us.
