Saturday, July 12, 2008

Okay, Gecko, What Is It?


  1. Since I'm not Gecko, I'm not going to guess, ha. But I did spend Saturday taking pictures of the landscaping around my area for our backyard plans. I oohhed and ahhhed over the colors. Have no idea what the actual plants were.

  2. Hi Bob, I'm enamored with this beauty and I'm clueless and since Gecko seems to be occupied with important bizness, here's a response I received from my botanical sleuth.

    "I've never seen this one before!  It doesn't have the "look" of a cultivated (commercially grown) plant, so you might look in books like "Wildflowers of My State."  But prolly it's cheaper to ask at a nursery, unless ya gotta drive there."

  3. Betchya Walt would know.
