Friday, July 11, 2008

It's On The Internet!

I had occasion to do some work today in downtown Denver. The moonbats who are planning protests at the Democrat convention in August are already arriving. They are staking out the best corners from which to yell at people. Did you know that 911 was an inside job, planned years in advance by our president (who was not president years in advance)? "It's on the internet," shouted the loudest moonbat.

One woman was ecstatic that Nancy Pelosi has "cleared the way for impeachment proceedings to begin against President Bush." She wants to get rid of "those people who want war." She asked me what I thought. I said I want to win the war. "Win the war," she screamed. "What does that mean, win the war?" I said it means that we get to stay alive, while the terrorists who want to kill us are, instead, killed by our brave soldiers. She walked away very angry.

The police seemed to be enjoying riding their loud motorcycles by the protestors. I hope they are ready to deal with these fools.


  1. Good for you! WOO HOO!Say it like it is!

  2. Let em rave. The best way to destroy a fool is let him talk.

  3. I dunno. I haven't yet figured out if it's better to politely sweep these moonbats under the road or laugh at them or reason with them. Impressionable minds are watching and I'm not necessarily talking about children but other countries. Sometimes I hate the 24/7 news beast.

  4. You're welcome to head down this way and sit out the invasion.

  5. hey, found your blog since we started the same day! Anyway, I appreciated this post, especially since my son is serving in Iraq now. Thanks!
